How To… Open Your Pool for the Summer

Open your Pool for the Summer

It’s still chilly, but the warm weather will be here before you know it! Which means it is time for swimming pool owners to start thinking ahead. This handy guide will help you to open your pool for the summer!

1. Remove, Clean and Store Pool Cover

Over the winter, pool covers accumulate a lot of grime and detritus. Ensure your pool cover is thoroughly cleaned and properly stored so it can continue to protect your pool for years to come.

2. Fill the Pool

Fill the water surface level to midway up the skimmer openings. Gradually add water as necessary to maintain the correct level.

Robot vacuums are great for cleaning pool bottoms and keeping them pristine | RISE Real Estate Consultants

Robot vacuums are great for cleaning pool bottoms and keeping them pristine | RISE Real Estate Consultants

3. Remove Debris

Leaves, twigs, pebbles – debris can easily get into your pool during the winter. Ensure it is all removed before proceeding.

4. Inspect and Clean Your Pool Filter

Filters all depend on the pool, but we recommend switching them once a year – either at the end of the season, or just prior to opening.

                      • Check media cartridges or grids for cracks
                      • Sand filter – change every 5 years
                      • Ensure O-rings have a tight seal
                      • Check the filter gauge is in working order
5. Reinstall Plugs

Next, replace your winterizing plugs and reinstall drain plugs for the pump, heater and filter. Top tip: use Teflon tape to prevent air leaks and filter drips.

6. Prime Your Pool Pump and Filter
    • Eliminate air in the plumbing lines – add water to the suction lines with a hose
    • Check the filter gauge pressure relief. Make a note of your PSI.
    • Set the time, hours of operation and programming
    • Inspect all components in the filtration equipment for leaks
    • Open suction and return lines
    • Clean any debris in the line
7. Test and Balance the Water

We’ll make this one easy. Stick to the following ranges and you are good to go.

    • Total Alkalinity: 80 – 120 ppm
    • pH: 7.4 – 7.6
    • Calcium Hardness: 200 – 400 ppm
    • Chlorine: 3 ppm
    • Cyanuric Acid: 30 – 50 ppm
Crystal clear water can be yours this summer | RISE Real Estate Consultants

Crystal clear water can be yours this summer | RISE Real Estate Consultants

8. Shock the Water

Fill a 5-gallon bucket with warm water. Mix 1lb bag of pool shock. Stir until the shock dissolves. Next, pour the bucket of shock water around the edges of the pool, pouring most into the deep end.

Top tips: Brush any algae from pool walls before shocking. Test the water 8 hours after the process and make necessary adjustments.

And that was our guide on to open your pool for the summer! 

Inspired? Want your own swimming pool? Contact us and let’s find your perfect pool and home!

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