Winter Wonderland: A Guide to Winterizing Your Home for the Coziest Season Yet
As the temperature drops and snowflakes start to fall, it’s time to transform your home into a cozy winter haven.
With Memorial Day coming up, you’ll want that pool open before this weekend! Here is a step by step instructions with a in-depth tutorial video of how to open your pool!
Step One: Gather all Fixtures
Step Two: Return All fixtures
Step Three: Plug into Power
Step Four: Open Water Flow valves
Step Five: Turn from “Winter” to “Waste”
Step Six: Unlock Pool Cover Fastenings & Secure Screws
Step Seven: Remove Pool Cover
Step Eight: Pull the Skimmer Plug
Step Nine: Purge the Pool Pump
Step Ten: While this is going on, Your Partner can clean the Cover
Step Eleven: Turn Pump on to remove excess water
Step Twelve: Agitate Water and scrub
Step Thirteen: Remove the Freeze plugs
Step Fourteen: Switch Dial from waste to recirculate
Step Fifteen: Raise PH
Step Sixteen: Pour in Shock
Step Seventeen: Get Results
Remember to follow safety guidelines and consult your pool’s specific equipment manuals for detailed instructions. Additionally, the video tutorial you mentioned can be a valuable resource for visual guidance during the pool opening process.
Watch the video for a more in-depth tutorial of how to open your pool
For more How To’s Watch Foss Fixes Here!
As the temperature drops and snowflakes start to fall, it’s time to transform your home into a cozy winter haven.
As the days grow shorter and a crisp chill settles in the air, hearts around the world start to beat