Should I Build Or Buy A House?


There are pros to both buying and building a house. In Rhode Island, it is often cheaper to buy an existing home than to build a new one. However, building a custom home gives you the opportunity to create your perfect space. If you’re considering buying or building a house in the Ocean State, weigh the following  before making your decision.

Building a House

– You can customize your home to fit your exact needs and wants

– New construction homes are often more energy efficient than older homes

– Building a home may give you access to certain tax breaks

– It’s generally easier to get a loan for a new construction home than an older home


– Building a new home is often more expensive than buying an existing home

– The process of building a home can be stressful and time-consuming

– You may need to compromise on your ideal location if you want to build a home

– It can be difficult to find quality contractors to build your home

Buying a House


– Buying an existing home is usually cheaper than building a new one

– You can move into your new home more quickly than if you were building it from scratch

– It’s easier to get financing for an existing home than a new construction home


– You may have to compromise on your ideal layout or features

– It can be difficult to find the perfect home that meets all of your needs and wants

Ultimately, the decision of whether to buy or build a house comes down to personal preference, and, more often than not, there are fewer cons to buying than building. If you’re looking for a custom home that’s designed specifically for you, then building is the way to go.

However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option or you want to move into your new home quickly, buying an existing home is probably the better choice. Whichever route you choose, make sure to do your research and consult the team at RISE to ensure the best possible outcome.

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